Supported projects

AA201801 – Development of a platform for the production of recombinant AAV vectors

Scientific leaders
Sofia Benkhelifa and Vincent Mouly

Adenovirus-associated viral vectors (AAV) are currently the tools of choice for the transfer of therapeutic molecules in pathologies affecting different tissues (eye, central nervous system, skeletal and cardiac muscle, liver …). In 2013, we set up a technical platform for the production of AAV vectors on behalf of the teams of the Myology Research Center (MRC) first of all for the Institute of Myology and then for the external laboratories in Ile-de-France. Currently, the need for AAV vectors is steadily growing in Ile-de-France laboratories, including MRC. With the support of the DIM, we are developing larger platform (MyoVector) for muscle tissue but also for other tissues, available for all laboratories in Ile-de-France developing gene therapy projects.


Institute of Myology



Team 2 – Muscle Organization & Therapy of Dominant Centromuscular Myopathy

Centre de Recherche en Myologie

105, boulevard de l’Hôpital

75 013 Paris